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Freckles and Your Skin

Freckles and Your Skin

Freckles are small brown spots usually found on the face, neck, chest, and arms. Freckles are extremely common and are not a health threat. They are more often seen in the summer, especially among lighter-skinned people and people with light or red hair.

What Causes Freckles?

Causes of freckles include genetics and exposure to the sun.

Do Freckles Need to Be Treated?

Since freckles are almost always harmless, there is no need to treat them. As with many skin conditions, it’s best to avoid the sun as much as possible, or use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30. This is especially important because people who freckle easily (for example, lighter-skinned people) are more likely to develop skin cancer.

If you feel that your freckles are a problem or you don’t like the way they look, you can cover them up with makeup or consider certain types of laser treatment, liquid nitrogen treatment or chemical peels.

Laser treatment such as ipl and co2 fractional laser.

IPl can be used for pigmentation removal including freckles, ago spots, sun spots, cafe spots etc.

IPL can make your skin look better, but it can’t stop future aging. It also can’t help the condition that affected your skin. You can get follow-up treatment once or twice a year to maintain your look.

Alternatives to IPL Treatment

These options also may treat your skin spots, fine lines, and redness.

Microdermabrasion. This uses small crystals to gently buff off the top layer of your skin, called the epidermis.

Chemical peels. This is similar to a microdermabrasion, except it uses chemical solutions applied to your face.

Laser resurfacing. This removes the damaged outer layer of the skin to promote growth of collagen and new skin cells. Lasers use only one wavelength of light in a concentrated beam. IPL, on the other hand, uses pulses, or flashes, of several types of light to treat multiple skin issues.

Post time: Aug-11-2022